Panamá trade treaty stalled
Dodd tells officials there
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff
There is little chance that the U.S. Congress will pass the Panamá free trade treaty, according to U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, who is touring Central American countries with Sen. Bob Corker, according to The Panamá News. Dodd, who will not be seeking re-electionn November after three decades in the Senate, met with Juan Carlos Varela, Panama's foreign minister.
Dodd told Varela that the weak rule of law in Panama as one of the reasons the agreement will not be confirmed, said the newspaper. The treaty was signed in 2006 and has the support of President Barack Obama and the Ricardo Martinelli administration in Panamá.
Dodd and Corker also met Friday with President Óscar Arias Sánchez and president-elect Laura Chinchilla at the Arias home in Rohrmoser. There was no significant announcement after that meeting. The two senators also are visiting Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua on their trip.
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