story by Panama Post
From January 9 to 10, of 2010, will take place the main ecological fair in Panama, called “Panamá Eco Feria 2010”, at salón Las Totumas, in the Atlapa Convention Center.
The organizers of this fair: the Association Ecological Consiousness of Panama (Asociación Conciencia Ecológica de Panamá) informed that in this first occasion will participate more than 50 exhibitors and take place conferences, educative activities for children and an ecological fashion show, among other surprises that are included in the fair´s program and that the organizers rather not reveal yet.
Duringg this ecological fair the attendant public will have access to the most recent information on eco-freindly products and services, systems and alternatives related with recycling, reusing and especially reduction in the consumption of energetic products, in order to increase that of ecological products and services.
“Panamá Eco Feria 2010, is a call to get conscious of our environment, with the goal that citizens get interested and involved in the big environmental problems we are living at world level , where the great impact produced in nature is no longer a threat but a worrying reality ” points out the web site of the guild:
This is a fair where culture and environment become together to create a new space in harmony with nature, through which we can learn about all the possibilities and choices our planet offers us.
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