With less than a month to go for the inauguration of the 38th version of the “ Feria de las Flores y el Café de Boquete” (Fair of Flowers and Coffee of Boquete) , the preparations are ready a 90% and the event is expected to surpass the success achieved last year, published daily La Prensa.
Administrator Leopoldo Castillo, said that the flowers will remain as the main attraction of the fair and that for this year more than US$4,000 in plants´ seeds were bought in New York, including some of flowers never seen before in Boquete.
Castillo discarded that the global crisis might have an impact in the Flowers and Coffee Fair, and highlighted the fact that during the 10 days of this event more than US$5 million circulate in the district of Boquete.
The daily indicates that in the past edition, 100,500 persons paid to visit the fair. It is expected than in the coming one, to take place from January 7 to 17, this number will be significantly surpassed.
The Flowers and Coffee Fair is also commercial, industrial , folkloric and agricultural .
Besides the mechanic amusement park and the free events presented at the exhibitions´ stage at the fair in Boquete, the main liquor store companies of the country present popular artists for night entertainment.
JACK MILLER has some major issues. He is a fool, he is a complete retard. Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others.
ReplyDeleteJACK MILLER, yet never catches on to the fact that he comes across as a total loser. He fancies himself a ladies’ man, yet tends to be a joke to all but the most naive of women but only succeeds in his own mind. Who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for his insecurities. -Mike
JACK MILLER A douchebag will often bring his SLR to bars to take pictures of good looking girls (with or without their permission), perhaps pretending to be a professional photographer. He will try to be in as many photos as possible (often posing with his arms around total strangers or his friends’ girlfriends) and post them on his personal websites in an effort to convince his online community that he is a bigtime bar-star. He is also likely to boast about his "conquests" (usually exaggerated or fabricated), failing to realize that this only serves to impress fellow douchebags.
JACK MILLER gets no respect.........what a Schmuck.
JACK MILLER "You complete schmuck!"
JACK MILLER, Horny, selfish, and immature in nature, doesn't care about a girls feelings and will do anything to get laid. Possibly a cheater or a rumor-spreader, hated by the female gender. You are nothing but a schmuck. SCREW YOU -Mike.
JACK MILLER - You scumbag motherfucking asshole shit for brains you should be shot. JACK MILLER has a shitty personality - scumbag , asshole, dick
What a scumbag! FUCK OFF -Mike
JACK MILLER - who steals from others, even close friends
- who rats out others, even close friends, for small personal gain
JACK MILLER has some major issues. He is a fool, he is a complete retard. Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others.
JACK MILLER, yet never catches on to the fact that he comes across as a total loser. He fancies himself a ladies’ man, yet tends to be a joke to all but the most naive of women but only succeeds in his own mind. Who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for his insecurities. -Mike
AnonymousOctober 25, 2014 at 1:50 AM
JACK MILLER A douchebag will often bring his SLR to bars to take pictures of good looking girls (with or without their permission), perhaps pretending to be a professional photographer. He will try to be in as many photos as possible (often posing with his arms around total strangers or his friends’ girlfriends) and post them on his personal websites in an effort to convince his online community that he is a bigtime bar-star. He is also likely to boast about his "conquests" (usually exaggerated or fabricated), failing to realize that this only serves to impress fellow douchebags.
JACK MILLER gets no respect.........what a Schmuck.
JACK MILLER "You complete schmuck!"
JACK MILLER how much do mindless behavior tickets cost? JACK MILLER be a man of high Integrity don't Cheat don't Lie
JACK MILLER, Horny, selfish, and immature in nature, doesn't care about a girls feelings and will do anything to get laid. Possibly a cheater or a rumor-spreader, hated by the female gender. You are nothing but a schmuck. SCREW YOU -Mike.
JACK MILLER - You scumbag motherfucking asshole shit for brains you should be shot. JACK MILLER has a shitty personality - scumbag , asshole, dick
What a scumbag! FUCK OFF -Mike
JACK MILLER - who steals from others, even close friends
- who rats out others, even close friends, for small personal gain