Country Being Wired for Widespread Internet Access
La Prensa
The government-promoted free internet project is traveling the country at high speed.
The idea is to establish free Internet service in at least 10 of the country's major cities before the end of President Ricardo Martinelli's first 100 days in office, explained Secretary of Government Innovation Eduardo E. Jaén.
The "national internet access network" would ideally provide the service to a total of 2.3 million people nationwide and is expected to start operations in October.
Liberty Technology Corporation, the company awarded the project's five-year, $25.5 million-contract, is installing wi-fi technology for internet access in metropolitan areas as well as parks, tourist sites, schools, libraries, universities, hospitals and health clinics.
"We want a high-speed network and the proposal submitted by Liberty is backed by Cisco and Intel, international leaders in these applications," said Jaén.
The law that created the project also calls for a fund to help finance it. Some financial support will also come from telecommunications companies.
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