Saturday, August 8, 2009

Chaves May Be Developing A Fear of Flying

Chaves May Be Developing a Fear of Flying

Story by Panama Jack Panama Visitor’s Guide

Well it seems that Chaves and his Castro following cronies have not been taking to the air lately In fear that if they leave their home countries that once in the air they may not be able to retune home. This is a tough decision on for a dictator to make ( Fly or No Fly ) It all started when the brave Hondurans kicked their soon to be dictator and master to the curb, flying him out of the country and not letting him return. Chaves quickly gave his private jet to the not to be dictator Zelaya to fly around and beg the free world for his presidency back. Now why in the world would the free world help Zelaya??? Beets Me and everyone else. No one wants a dictator I power in the free world. So Chaves lent him his jet He isn’t using it he not going anywhere. Because if they can kick one out, they surly could kick another out. I heard a rumor now I tell you this is only a rumor. Chaves took several airplane flights inside his own country providing armed guards at airports throughout the country so he would be sure he could land. So let try to figure this one out. What the Hondurans are saying is that they do not want someone as their president shutting down newspapers and television stations and steal assets from banks to banana plantations, is this correct. But most of all freedom of the press and the right of free speech with fear. Basic Human Rights. Every newspaper and news outlet in the world should be attacking anyone who disrespects a free press and freedom of speech, along with any kind of denial basic freedoms. One day I hope to read Chaves kick to the curb and not allowed back.

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